Keep your class amused and engaged during the last few hectic days of term.
Give yourself a chance to get organised and tidied!
Print out double sided to make an A5 size booklet, full of Summer themed activities.
Ideal to use whenever you have a spare 10 minutes to fill between rehearsals and leaver’s assembies!
Suitable for KS2
50 Christmas themed worksheets and printables for Year 1 and home school. This Christmas product is ideal to have in your teacher toolkit at this busy time of the year. These stand alone activities are ideal to use in centres, as early morning work, for early finishers and as time fillers and calming activities.
This Christmas themed pack includes math and English activities, colouring sheets, puzzles and games, crafts and more.
Includes US and UK spellings versions.
Full List Of Activities
Label a reindeer - cut and stick
Label Santa - cut and stick
Sequence decorating a tree - cut and stick
Sequence wrapping a parcel - cut and stick
Christmas in England - cut and stick
Build a nativity scene - cut and stick
Decorate a tree - cut and stick
Christingle - cut and stick
Wordsearch, colour and label - x 2
Christmas card template
Acrostic poem template
Alphabetical order activity
Christmas Eve comprehension
Letter to Santa x 2
Wordsearch x 2
Puzzles - cut and stick x 3
Crossword puzzle
Spot the difference x 2
Advent calendar x 2 versions
Build a snowman game
Snakes and ladders game
Roll and colour
Colour a gingerbread house
Decorate a gingerbread man
Mindfulness colouring bauble
Colour Mrs Clause and Elf
Design a Christmas jumper
Fine motor skills activity
Make a Christmas basket template
Make a Christmas wreath - cut and stick
Make a snow globe craft
Order candy canes by size - cut and stick
Number bonds to 10
Number bonds to 20
1 more/1 less to 10
1 more/1 less to 20
Colour by numbers
Count the toys
Label shapes - cut and stick
Colour and count
Finish patterns
Odd and even numbers
Math mosaic
Colour shapes
Missing numbers
Halloween Activity Pack includes Halloween themed games, craft and print and go activities. Are you planning some Halloween fun with your class this year? This pack could be just what you need for a full day of spooky fun as it covers many different subjects and skills. Activities can be used independently or with an adult for more input. Ideal for children aged 5-6 years old. KS1
This product includes:
A haunted house board game
Bingo/lotto game - 4 boards and 24 cards
Snap cards
Craft - make a treat or treat basket
Alphabet flash cards - lower and upper case
Make a bookmark
Math scavenger hunt - addition and subtraction
Pumpkin lifecycle x 2 differentiated cut and paste
Writing captions - colour and b/w versions
Build a word - cvc cut and paste
Adjectives - colour and b/w versions
Create your own potion writing activity x 4 differentiated
Sequence Jack o’lantern cut and paste x 2 differentiated
Colouring Sheet
How To Use Instructions
Display Letters and Numbers for Forest Themed Displays
Forest Schools
Font size 595
Pebble themed display letters
26 Capital letters
26 lower case letters
0-9 numbers
Ideal for beach/rock/summer displays
Flowers letters and numbers for display
Great for units on plants and flowers or EYFS display
595 font
Growth mindset posters and coloring sheets. Brighten up your classroom with these fun and funky, 70s themed motivational posters. Post them around your classroom and refer to them when children are feeling demotivated, finding things difficult or just generally struggling with life. Use them to boost confidence and promote a positive mindset.
Includes 20 mindset statements, 2 designs of each poster PLUS 2 colouring sheets.
Statements included:
I can’t do it yet
Impossible = I’m Possible
The quieter you are, the more you hear
Reach for the stars
Believe and you can succeed
Mistakes are ok, that’s how we learn
Practice makes progress
Making mistakes means you are trying
All things are hard until they are easy
Believe in yourself
You can make it happen
Always dream big
Be proud of you
Have a can do attitude
Make today make a difference
You are in charge of how much you learn and grow
You can always do your best
Remember you are amazing
Take time to appreciate what you can do today that you couldn’t do yesterday
You’ve got this
Choice of 3 weather chart designs (my weather chart/our weather chart) to print out and laminate.
Suitable to use in year 1 - observe and describe weather associated with seasons.
Includes day, date, month, year, season and today’s weather.
Science bundle suitable for year 1.
Includes resources for year 1 topics - plants, materials, weather and seasons, animals including humans.
50% discount!!!
Create your class birthday pictogram chart with this back to school freebie.
Includes bunting for the display heading.
Simply add your numbers up the side and months of the year along the bottom.
Add children’s names or pictures in each month, according to their birthday.
This is a lovely, colourful display that not only shows when birthdays are approaching but also is a great way to introduce some math into your classroom.
Why not also check out this Visual Schedule / Timetable
This product includes:
Colourful month of the year cards
Blank cards for children’s photos or names (better still, get students to draw themselves - add date)
Numbers to 20
Birthday Chart bunting
Perfect for your back to school essentials.
Summer Outdoor Activities Pack. Stuck for ideas what to do with your children this summer? This free product will help. It includes ideas and resources for outdoor activities, ideal for young children K-2.
This product includes:
Ideas for outdoor activities - colour them in as you complete them.
Complete all the tasks or make a pathway from beginning to end.
Colour or black & white bug hunt sheet
Colour or black & white nature hunt sheet
Colour or black & white ‘How to make a bird feeder’ sheet
Colour ‘How to make a weather station’ sheet
Collect the colours of the rainbow nature hunt sheet